Table of contents

  1. HTML/CSS - First Page
  2. HTML/CSS - Learning Materials
  3. HTML/CSS - Add Pictures and Useful Links
  4. HTML/CSS - Lists
  5. HTML/CSS - Formatting
  6. HTML/CSS - Colorful Forms
  7. HTML/CSS - Software Development Cycle
  8. HTML/CSS - Tables
  9. HTML/CSS - Developer's Shopping Cart
  10. HTML/CSS - Frames
  11. HTML/CSS - Classes
  12. HTML/CSS - News
  13. HTML/CSS - Image
  14. HTML/CSS - Jokes
  15. HTML/CSS - Image Next to Table
  16. HTML/CSS - Form
  17. JS
  18. HTML/CSS - Background
  19. HTML/CSS - Overflow
  20. JS Variables
  21. JS Variables
  22. HTML/CSS - Form with JS
  23. HTML/CSS - Navbar
  24. JS IF usage
  25. JS Comparing numbers
  26. JS Leapyear
  27. JS Mathematical logic
  28. JS if
  29. JS compairing 3 numbers
  30. JS BMI Calculating
  31. JS calculating
  32. JS math random bingo
  33. JS function and loop